Writing Your Ecommerce To Do List


Ecommerce is grabbing the attention of millions of customers around the world. It’s an accessible and convenient way to purchase things from the comfort of our own homes. Online shopping through ecommerce retailers saves consumers time and energy while they can continue to get their desired items delivered to their doorstep. 

However, most users value user experience the most while purchasing products or services online. Many ecommerce retailers are left far behind their competition because they are unable to offer what is now the expected level of user experience despite having quality products and offering cost-effective deals. Every business should remember that having a website with an impressive design is not always enough, they need to continuously put their efforts into the maintenance of their website. 

There are two possible options when it comes to maintaining your site. One is hiring white label website maintenance services from a reliable vendor or as a second option, recruiting your own team of developers and designers who can look after your website and perform its maintenance on a regular basis. 

We’ve put together our favourite tips and tricks to ensure your website maintenance to do list covers all the important things!

Use Google Tag Manager:

Your ecommerce site is already using Google Analytics, Adwords, and other code snippets for various purposes. Manually managing all these code snippets can sometimes be challenging and time consuming. Google Tag Manager on the other hand, enables you to centralise and manage all those code snippets in one place without any need for manual coding. You can even choose which tags should be triggered in which situation. This tag manager is a better option instead of spreading third party codes all over your website. This will help make your site faster. Everything in the one place makes managing your website easier. Tools that are not in use can be easily removed. You can activate tracking without ruining HTML code. In case if anything goes wrong, you can quickly undo it using Tag manager. 

Search for 404s:

You can easily view how Google sees your website by using Google Search Console. Additionally, it also suggests improvements in HTML code to enhance the performance of your website. It also enables you to see how your website will appear in Google search results. You can observe links to your site and indexed pages on Google as well through this tool. The most useful thing to do with this tool is observing the crawl errors. This tool enables you to figure out the websites and links that direct traffic to non-existing 404 pages on your website. These 404s can be a problem for your SEO and user experience as well. Once you are able to figure out all 404 errors, you can either create pages for missing links or create 301 redirects. Redirects tend to be much faster and easier and this also enables you to divert the traffic to the desired destination.

Step into the Shoes of Your Customers:

There are a number of bugs that are often overlooked during the process of development in order to meet the website creation deadline. These bugs are usually non-critical and their rectification is planned to be done after the site is live. The most authentic way to figure out these bugs and fix them is to observe how real visitors use this site with the help of video sessions. For instance, there can be issues regarding design and layout of the website when Google translate is used by the visitors to translate the content of the website into their native languages. This way you can see the performance and issues of your site through someone else’s eyes and come with suitable improvements to rectify the issue.

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